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Thursday, 12 May 2011

Progress Report

Followers: 0 Yes, we're packing them in here at the ICS. Still, I was never one to seek followers. I think Nietzsche gave good advice when he said "Don't follow me, follow yourself".

Nonetheless, I would like to continue with a general discussion regarding the phenomena of emergence as applied to social systems with regard to the "Great Law" (of Peace) divised by the North American indigenous culture, as it provides a good example of how harmonious relationships between different groups may evolve. I also mentioned to Kahentinetha Horn ( that I would do my best in assisting the soveriegnty campaigners to "tear out (the) imperial fangs and claws", and I always keep my word.  

I advise anyone who reads this to contact MNN (at the link above) and order a copy of the "Warriors Hanbook", to which I will now refer:

"The most important things in the world are peace and happiness. Their requisites are food, shelter, clothing (temperate zone, in the tropics, not needed), proper human relationship, order (peace keeping) and an economic system which eliminates poverty. One is not at peace when one is not happy. There are those who are happy when they are not at peace. These are the oppressors and war profiteers. They have no use for peace.

People all over the world are concerned about the elusiveness of peace. There are many promoters of peace. They urge all the people to follow them in the ways of peace. There are thousands of religions which proclaim peace. They have followers. Some of the great religions have hundreds of millions of followers. In spite of all this peacemaking there is a singular lack of peace in the world. There are those who talk of peace and make profits in the billions out of war and other kinds of strife. There is a universal cry for peace, but not everyone in the world is interested in peace. Not all will follow the promoter of peace...

There are those who advise us that the only way to achieve peace is by peaceful means. To approach the peace destroyers with words dripping with honey and show them the error of their ways. In accents sweet, tell them that profits are not everything. It's more profitable to have peace than to have huge profits disregarding the fact that it's huge profits that make them happy. It's their happiness they're concerned about, not yours...

Starting with individuals, who has any peace? We have seen that the meek, mild and humble people are the most trampled upon. Because they don't fight back. What a sweet set up for bullies! It doesn't pay to bully the strong and fighting people. One can recieve more than one gives. It's the strong who get any peace. It's fear. Fear of retribution. That's how the peace destroying bullies of mankind are. They're only peaceful when they're afraid not to be. You don't have to worry about the naturally peaceful people. They don't want trouble.

Now, we know who are the enemies of peace. They are in control of the "free and unfree" governments of the world. They are over-rich, overfed and overpay themselves. They, themselves are not necessarily in the governments. They are in control by way of the money market. As long as they're in control, there'll never be peace." (Warriors Hand Book; p15 -17).

The Great Law is advanced social science. It worked, and provides an example of the emergence of post conflict society. This seems to me to provide a stark contrast to our own largely science/technology based society, and show that our scientific materialism is an incomplete construct, and in fact a dangerous one. Therefore I suggest that much is to be gained by merging the material scientific insight we have gained with the social scientific insight of the "Great Law". To this end, I think it is worth looking at the work of Julian Jaynes on the relationship of consciousness to the bi-cameral mind. Indigenous people have continued, it would appear, in a right brain dominant mode and remained in tune with the natural environment; urbanised, industrial people have moved (erringly, in my opinion), to a left brain dominant mode. The goal now, it would appear, is to achieve a harmonious condition in the individual mind of a balance between right/left brain function; thus the relevance of Walter Kaufmann analyisis of Nietzsche, and what he understood as the search for the "poetic Socrates". This would also imply that the current increase in "mental illness" could be a nutural response in individuals to move towards this homeostatic outcome. The driving psychological instinct behind this development would appear to be conscience. That is the individual mind (in some) has subconciously percieved the need to adapt due to exposure to increased collective suffering, and a change in worldview is occuring among a segment of the population in the developed. Ironically, those lacking conscience (and by the way, reasoning, in particular verbal language reasoning, rids us of conscience), are still deemed mentally fit!

As we know that the negative expires at the gates of being, a failure to adapt could leave those individuals out in the cold, so to speak, as consciousness evolves, or more accurately I believe, returns to its former state of clarity, in balance. This will hopefully provide some incentive for improved behaviour among some of the worst actors in the power stucture. Globalisation will have to be abandoned in it's current form, the Novus Ordo Seclorum being based on the recognition of the sovereign rights of individual socially coherent groups, with suitable legal sytems for facilitating exchange of produce, where mutual benifit may be derived from such exchange. Who has the right to assert the "instrumental aggression"? Those who support peace and justice - no one else. The exceptionally bad behaviour currently being witnessed in some could get worse, but as the eternal verities self organise at the top of the memetic hierarchy (yes, it's the eternal reoccurrence in action), it is just the natural laws' way of seperating the wheat from the tare. And they think God is on their side? As for the towering intellects of the over rich, over fed and overpaid leaders of the corporate structure, a writer who I have greatly enjoyed commented in one of his best sellers "and then they send their children of to the Ivy League universities, hoping to raise their IQ by the required few points...", no offense meant, but it doesn't work. Now, what was that story about St George and the dragon?             

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