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Friday, 8 April 2011

As Time Goes By

7 April 2011

The Secret

In the quietest place
All at rest
Time itself
Does not exist
At eternal gates
Thought alone
Bounds the calm waters
And love
Creates beyond itself

The root. Loving kindness teach the Buddhists. It is the foundation all faith. How have we come so far from the alpha to arrive at this chaotic state at omega? A demonstration seems a fair explanation. To learn, to eat of the tree of good and evil, and knowing become like God. A cyclic system. The Buddha himself said in his own time he had discovered an ancient system. An eternal re-occurence.

If mind is beyond brain, is it not thought that connects the two? And what is eternal and divine is beyond thought, which must reach its apotheoisis, revealing a hierarchical memetic structure - truth self organized. Behold: An angel with a flaming sword stands guard at the gate.  

On free will, I will concede that all occurs as it must to occur, and there are reasons, a priori for the conditions we as individuals and as collective, find ourselves in. However we do make choices in how we think and act which determine the future state of the system. It is saddening to watch as Thais, the stinky old goat who begets all goats and drives the herd to peril (see commentary at ) works his dark magic.

Testing times, reminiscent of other epochs, the alpha and omega, the repitition of an earlier time at the dawn of this civilization: "And I will set the Egyptians against each other; and they shall fight every one against his brother, and everyone against his neighbor, city against city and kingdom against kingdom. And the spirit of Egypt shall fall in the midst thereof; and I will destroy the council thereof; and they shall seek the idols and to the charmers, and to them that have familiar spirits, and to the wizards". Isaiah 19:2-3 And so it is now.

I wondered several years ago, being ignorant of religion and history, just how the Judeo-Christian hierachy could come to be? Was it not the rejection of Jesus as the Messiah that formed the basis for being of Jewish faith, and the acceptance that made one Christian? Nietzsche commented that the marriage of these two books back to back was a great affront to literary history. Between their writing we have the mystery of the "death" and "resurrection" of Christ, the actual truth of which cannot be far from being more widely known. The Son of God threw the money lenders from the temple, he was no bleating lamb. To where shall they be thrown this time, when the temple becomes the earth? I'll leave that to the readers imagination. 

There is no "God" that has any physical resemblence to man, "He" does not perform miracles that defy the physical laws of this universe - like making stems bloom overnight to choose the leading tribe. Woe to the scribes and Pharisees! Be a book unwritten said Rumi. And what darkness would put emnity between man and woman? A God? What sort of God is that?

The North American Indians, keepers of the Eastern Door of GreatTurtle Island evolved their "Great Law of Peace". They seem to know a thing or two, as previously mentioned. Dacajewiah, aka "Splitting The Sky", aka John Boncore, said about what motivates him to do the work he does: "Every time I look into the eyes of my grand-daughter I'm reminded what my job is, and that is to secure her future". A man! And split the sky he did, with his attempted arrest of credibly accused war criminal George W. Bush. Kahentinetha Horn has promised to "tear out their imperial fangs and claws". A woman!

If anyone wishes to see the human manifestation of the face of God, stare into the eyes of the children of Palestine. How could such abuse be tolerated by God? So we must ask: Who has the right to assert the "instrumental agression"? That can only be those who stand for justice. Softly, softly I want none but the judges to hear me. 

And so, I propose a little thought experiment: Toss Zarathustra's golden ball into the air, and let the Godgame begin. Who can grab it and wield the power, who can be the masters of the earth and bring down the higher realms to consciousness? We see what Mumon means when he says if you do not pass this barrier everything you do will be like a tangling ghost. Seekers of power, fame and fortune grab at thin air. Champions of rectitude are shown to be hypocritical accessories to the slaughter of innocents, along with scientists. Great artists prance like parading poodles. Philosophers prattle endless nonsense. Writers ramble innanities. Egos are on parade, left, right and centre, every expression of intellectual and moral superiority, of I am, masking personal insecurity. 

Only the humble, brave and honest, no matter what their vocation, status, or wealth can catch the ball! They pass it around, laughing. Piggy in the middle cannot catch it! Every time he tries, the words hypocrite, fool or coward tear it away from him! It's not fair he wails, I am the authority! Listen to me! The golden ball bounces off his head! I'm talented, listen to me! Smack! I'm beautiful, listen to me! Donk! I'm rich, listen to me! Bam! I'm a genius listen to me! Doof! Oh, this is a fun game, it could go on for eternity and we may never tire of it! Poor piggy, we really don't want to hurt his feelings, but it is his own fault. He'll soon have a chuckle at himself, then he can join in the game. We are all equal in the eyes of God, but there is an order of rank, and the best amongst us willingly serve the greater good. 

I read a blog recently by one Indian lad who wrote about a dream he had. In the dream, the Indians were playing a game of basketball against the others, the ball was tossed into the air to start the game, and everything went into slow motion. Then he heard yelling "the Indians have won, the Indians have won". It is so, though all is not said and done yet. The honest have won. And it is written "many of the last shall be first, many of the first shall be last".


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