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Monday, 11 April 2011

Lines Of Sight

An important concept in the military is lines of sight. Holding the higher ground gives the best oppurtunity to view the manouevres of the opposing forces. Looking back on history, it would seem that phases of military conflict are unfortunately inevitable for social progress. Eventually, the suffering and misery leads to attempts to overcome these type of conflicts, as the human mind desires to rid itself of the pain, and most religion is directed towards this goal. There have been times when appeasing the Gods through human sacrifice were deemed appropriate, or burnt offerings as an improvement on these, as through a process of trial and error societies removed themselves from superstitious practices and developed more intellectualy advanced understanding. Lines of sight in this time involves control of global communications.

The Great Law of Peace, the system developed by the Six Nations Confederacy of the North American Indians is based on the principle of advanced human relationship. The "Warrior Society" is directed towards the pursuit of peace, not war. As the original meaning of syncretism is to unite against a third party, the third party at this juncture should be those who oppose peace and justice in the Novus Ordo Secluram. This Great Law was put into place and brought peace to the Great Turtle Island before the Europeans arrived, so I think it's worth commenting on some of the principles employed. Karoniaktajeh (Warrior's Handbook), makes the observation that the meek don't get peace, they just get trampled by the bullies. Most of the worlds religions talk peace, but do not achieve it. It is human nature that some are mild, some are agressive. It's the strong who get peace. This is why those who wash up on the sunny shores of spirituality fail continually to achieve this goal, despite the appearance of the best intentions. They say they are healthy wealthy and wise. It is the warriors who bring order to the system by fighting for justice, which is really the key. It should be noted that war for plunder is piracy, thus must be outlawed. It inevitably leads to reaction and thus continues the cycle of violence. An important point to make about bullies is that they are all cowards. We just had anti-bullying day here in Oz, and there couldn't be anything more symbolic of our emasculated culture. This type of sunny shores of spirituality thinking is typical of slave morality, and not much will be achieved by a society of sooks. It's pathetic, to be perfectly candid.

Some fifteen years ago, as an undergraduate, I was informed that men set the structure in society, women weave in the spaces. It is a biological function of our species. Men are supposed to compete, test each other out, win, lose, learn respect for each other and sort out the pecking order. Women make their choice, and natural selection keeps the species healthy (I'll grant this is very simplified, but there is a basic principle at work). The most important thing is we conduct ourselves honourably, and with dignity. As for the barrier of the patriarchs, courage to face oneself, and ultimately death, is essential, thus the angel with a flaming sword stands gaurd at the gates. None can pass without drinking that burning hot iron ball.

This doesn't mean we should be macho, which is ridiculously insecure behaviour, but understand the war on suffering is ongoing and requires constant effort. Thus, Splitting The Sky's action of attempting to arrest  G.W. Bush was a positive warriors act of courage. It's in his blood. Women also fight for justice, but it's tragic when they have to do the more physical side of it due to the failure of men to be men. They also cross the barrier of the patriarchs, but it is the same hard struggle as it is for us, and there are greater and lesser spirits in both sexes. There are great women, there are great men, and the greatest are those who ask for nothing and humbly do what advances the state of being in the society, the benefactors of humanity. See  for an example of the standards some of the ladies set. The irony of the juxtaposition of glam celebreties with this story and photo is indicative of just how perverse contemporary western culture has become; and Maria's the most attractive of them anyway, just to heighten the effect further.

On cowardace and bullying, the biggest bully on the global block is Israel. Israel is immune to criminal prosecution for all its heinous crimes. The suffering inflicted on the Palestinians is intolerable for any reasonable person to witness. Most westerners unfortunately, are trapped in learned helplessness, brainwashed, brain dead, or politically and socially ostracised for not being one of the former.  As a variety of religious differences between the Abrahamic faiths run there course and, Truth makes its presence felt, there won't be anywhere for hypocrites, cowards and fools to hide. And Truth and Law are synonymous in Hebrew. All will be revealed for what it is. This might help explain why: Burn, burn, burn.

The crux of what is wrong with the Zionist meme was brought home to me when I read that the firm responsible for the remote control machine guns mounted in the towers along the seperation wall was called G-NIUS. I have a fair experience in electrical engineering, and some servo mechanisms coupled to some logic controllers and a video system hardly takes a genius to knock it together. The conciet is staggering, to the point that I would describe it as delusional to the point of being a diagnosable mental illness.
I recall the Dog Poets comments that he had long believed the flames which consume the wicked are the same as the light which saves the chosen (paraphrasing here, he put it a little better than I have), and I would agree. It is a matter of consciousness revealed on the cosmic scale, which seems to be well on its way.

Another thought experiment: Einstein used the analogy of imagining oneself travelling on a beam of light to help understand relativity. What if one were to imagine that one started out at the birth of the universe, and travelled at the speed of light from the dawn of time in all directions? Where are you now? Well, your still at the origin, no time has passed, yet you are also a the far boundaries of the universe in all its vast expanse and are a consciousness which has encompassed all that exists. Would it be surprising if the universe was infinite yet bounded? Or that time would fold back upon itself? Seems like a good place to establish a command post - great lines of sight.

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