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Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Getting to the Heart Of The Matter

6 April 2011

This is the first blog for the Internet Centre For Syncretism, an idea that exists in cyberspace, the purpose of which is described at the website at the URL above. The reason for starting the blog is to prevent myself from cluttering up the news page with my personal opinions.

The day that "changed our world forever", so we the public were told was September 11 2001, out of which the "war on terror" got it's marketing base. It resulted in a lot of us investigating the event through millions of websearches, trying to ascertian the truth of the matter, all sorts of speculation, wild and fantastic conspiracy theories as so many seemed to feel that something just didn't add up concerning the official explanation. The question of greatest concern being: Was it an inside job? If one were to adopt normal methods of criminal investigative procedure - who had a motive, who gained an advantage, who had the opportunity and means to commit the crime, who behaved in a suspicious manner, whose alibi didn't stand up, the answer would have to be - yes it was.

One of the most interesting pieces of evidence for me was Richard Perle's statement, made the day after the event that this had to be a state sponsored event, as only a state, in his expert opinion, could have the resources to organise an event of this scale. So we must "go after the sates responsible". We know however that Iraq had no ties to this attack, nor did Afghanistan, yet the "war on terror" was launched against those two countries. So which state(s) then would be responsible for a definite act of war against the United States? But was it really a state or states? Or a group with supranational loyalties with deep penetration into many governments, intelligence sevices and religious organizations? I'm not going to delve into the evidence here, many others have, but I would also like to breifly mention Building 7. I have an engineering background (electrical, not structural), and it would be extremely long odds that the fires and damage to the structure would cause the freefall collapse we witnessed. Building 7 was standard steel and masonry constrution, unlike the towers. Fire cannot cause structural failure in this type of construction, and the asymmetrical exterior damage from falling debri could not cause the symmetrical freefall collapse. I have read the key areas of the report, and it just does not provide an adequate explanation. Then there was the fact that the building contained SEC records on insider trading on Wall Street, who despite the ongoing financial debacle, remain recalcitrant. All evidence points, without doubt, to a well orchestrated serious of macro-geopoltical events, the genesis of which goes back a long, long way. 

Which brings us to the heart of the matter. What lies at the root of all religious systems? It is the heart of the matter itself. A decade ago I knew little about the Zionist project, but the events of September 11, 2001 were a catalyst for I'm sure more than just myself to enquire deeply into geopolitics and history. A national homeland in Palestine was not the answer to the Jewish question.

The manipulation of the divine threads by temporal power continues unabated, the hypocrisy reaching its apotheosis in events occuring across the Middle East. The Judeo-Christian hierarchy, as the "Man of Steel", the then Australian Prime Minister, Mr. Howard identified the leaders of the "coalition of the willing", have brought the walls of the temple down upon themselves. The Vatican, it is to be noted, publically opposed the invasion of Iraq. As they should have, for their is no such thing as a Holy war, other than the struggle against suffering. How much evil should one do to do good? Nil.         

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